Jazz: The Women’s Viewpoint & Women of Courage
Central Brooklyn Jazz Consortium (CBJC) will honor jazz enthusiasts who offer a supportive structure for the presentation of jazz programming. This is a tribute to women who have demonstrated courageous commitment in supporting and promoting Jazz. Their contributions are the backbone for performing artists and fans. This group of Jazz lovers have invited musicians and fans to gather in their living rooms for jam sessions or opened neighborhood clubs and eateries that feature jazz artists and others have convinced their churches to host jazz programming. Then there are organizations whose mission is to fight for programming and funding to keep the music alive and fill the airwaves with the music and its history joined by jazz publications who track careers, feature news and performance schedules of jazz favorites.
Jazz: The Womens Viewpoint, gives women in jazz a platform and opportunity to participate in the discourse of the music industry’s dynamics, to share experiences and inspire others to follow their path to success and recognition for their artistic talents. The program is open to female musicians, educators, industry executives, media personnel, and of course, wives of jazz artists.

Women’s History Month is an annual observance celebrated during the month of March in various countries around the world. It is dedicated to honoring and recognizing the contributions, achievements, and struggles of women throughout history.