Brooklyn Jazz Hall of Fame™

CBJC established the BJHoFame to recognize renowned and unheralded musicians who impacted the borough’s cultural landscape both on and off the bandstand. Musicians are known for their musical talents and some of these artists have made social contributions that, like their music, uplift the people. Many seminal performing artists do not get the recognition as do their commercially successful counterparts. These griots are especially endeared by this hall of fame for providing cultural activities and services for the community.

Brooklyn Jazz Hall of Fame™ is a virtual entity whose creators/custodians envision it to be an edifice housing: interactive displays, educational series, broadcasting, and performance centers.

The program immortalizes a Brooklyn musician(s) with notable accomplishments on and off the bandstand. The hall of fame is a testimonial to the people, venues, and events which put “Brooklyn Jazz” into the consciousness of admirers of this art form.

PhotoNameYear Inducted
Max Roach-Drummer2002

The Deacon Leroy Applin Young Lion(ess) Award is presented to a young musician of exceptional ability from the borough.